Landscape Roses

Landscape Roses are selected from a variety of classes, based on their ease of care. Landscape Roses are disease-resistant, require little pruning, grow quickly to fill a space and provide a long seasonal show of color. Most Landscape Roses are grown on their own root.

Pink Blend Bloom Colored Roses

Peach Drift® Rose
Rosa Landscape/Groundcover

Drift roses are the newest family of roses introduced by Star Roses. They are compact groundcover shrubs that fill a variety of uses in the garden. You will find Drift Roses to be enthusiastic bloomers with great disease resistance and low maintenance requirements.
2- Feet
2- Feet
Rainbow Knock Out® Rose (own root)
Rosa Landscape/Shrub

The newest addition to the Knock Out® rose family from Bill Radler. The Rainbow Knock Out® Rose covers itself with coral pink blooms painted with rich yellow at the base. More compact and floriferous than the earlier Knock Out® roses.
Unaffected by black spot as is to be expected of the Knock Out® family. Good resistance to mildew and rust. Winter hardy to zone 4. Sets hips in autumn for a bit of winter color.
3-4 Feet
3-4 Feet