Glossary of Rose Terms
Everything you want to know about bare root roses
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M |
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Damask Rose
A class of roses that trace their origins back to ancient times. Thought to have originated in the Middle East, the first Damasks in Europe may been collected by the Crusaders.
David Austin
The contemporary British hybridizer who originated the English Rose class.
A means of encouraging a faster repeat of bloom by removal of the spent blooms just above a 5-leaflet set.
The propagation of a larger individual bloom by the removal of young sidebuds or the propagation of a larger spray by the removal of a central, dominant bud.
Double Rose
A rose form comprised of more than 24 petals
Dr. Huey (aka: Huey)
The dominant rootstock of the American garden rose trade.
An essential ingredient in planting roses. While all roses need adequate water, few will thrive if water congregates around their roots. Soils with high clay content should be heavily amended to provide drainage.