Koko Loko™ - 'WEKbijou' PP 23,269
Rosa Floribunda
Thanks to all who have ordered with us this season!
We will open the 2026 Rose order season November 12, 2025.
- Sold as bare root rose
- Milk chocolate color changing to lavender.
- Warm weather brings out the lavender.
- Like Distant Drums, this rose blends well in mixed bouquets.
Height: 3-4 Feet
Spread: 3-4 Feet
Petal Count: 30-35
Hardiness Zone: 6-9
Intro Year: 2011
AARS Rating: 7.5
Bloom Color: Mauve/Mauve Blend
Breeder: Christian BĂ©dard
Interesting Notes:
"My Koko Loko just opened it's first bloom. I LOVE it, it's beautiful. I plan to get a second bare root next season. Thank you!" RJ, Mendocino, CA
Koko Loko™ Characteristics & Attributes
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Rose Color
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