Landscape Roses

Landscape Roses are selected from a variety of classes, based on their ease of care. Landscape Roses are disease-resistant, require little pruning, grow quickly to fill a space and provide a long seasonal show of color. Most Landscape Roses are grown on their own root.

Orange/Orange Blend Bloom Colored Roses

Oranges 'n' Lemons
Rosa Landscape/Shrub

Sweet 'n' sour it ain't---but your eyes might pucker a little when they behold this fantastic color. Stripes of pure yellow splashed onto bright orange will stop even the most finicky rose buyer in the their tracks. Mahogany red new foliage shows up all year long, maturing to a very deep green. This vigorous bush has a fountainous habit that can be trained as a climber in milder climates.

6-8 Feet
2- Feet