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This is a display of Abraham Darby that my wife assembled a few years ago...still one of my favorite rose photos.
Famous privately owned Rose Garden in Napa Valley is open for 1 day in year. Visit their site
Moved bushes from another location and lost all name markers but they are still beautiful
Peace rose
I hope that you enjoy.
Rusty in a cool garden
This is Spice So Nice. Climber purchased from Regan Nursery last year and growing fast on an arbor!
Unidentified rose.
Unidentified rose.
Unidentified rose.
Would love help identifying this beauty!
My "Honor" rose
Nicole Carol Miller
Christopher Marlowe
This is a Rusty that I purchased over a year ago at Regan, turns out it's a sport with the opposite coloring.
Cinco de Mayo
My favorite rose, Eureka!
Chicago Peace
The Elizabeth Park Rose Garden in Nashua, New Hampshire was beautiful this Summer.
Apricot Candy
Shelia's Perfume
Brass Band
Early autumn Apricot Candy rose with gaura
Acadia Sunrise
Blueberry Hill
Cinco de Mayo
Dolly Parton
New Year
Lagerfeld & Strike it Rich
just a nice garden photo of my Lady Banks climbing rose.
Lady Emma Hamilton is one of my favorite English Roses, ordered from Regan Nursery last Dec.
Mme. Louis Leveque and Tradescant bouquet
Midas Touch
Belle de Crecy
Distant Drums
Mme. Pierre Oger... a good candidate for pegging... lovely, translucent cupped blooms
William Shakespeare and a pink beauty
Rose hips make beautiful winter bouquets
Fall Bouquet: Double Delight, Moonstone, Cl. Pinkie, Breathless, Tamora, Cl. Autumn Sunset, Graham Thomas, Tradescant, Mme. Alfred Carriere, etc.
On the right is Cressida... one of my favorites. Sometimes her blooms are too heavy for her stems, but she's still worth it. Christopher Marlow on left.
Closed pink rose taken at night
Mammoth Sun Flower, tasty seeds
Light fragrance pink rose
Valencia tea rose - a consistent good performer, easy grower and my favorite yellow rose.
Vanilla Perfume tea rose - Lovely and wonderful fragrance.
Pink Frosted Vase - Honey Dijon tree roses bottom center; then clockwise Ingrid Bergman HT, Medallion HT, Garden Party HT, Cl. Paradise, & Love. Irises blooming in background.
Diana, Princess of Wales HT - one of my favorite roses. Gets better every year.
Fairies in an Anthropologie vase: The Fairy (pink) and The Red Fairy
Climbing Paradise - Massive beautiful spring bloom, little thereafter. Weeks rose; Bought at Regan's Nursery about 10 years ago. Thanks!
Sexy Rexy from Regan Nursery
Unknown beauty, continuous flowers and amazing color.
I bought these beauties at Regans in Fremont.
Sweet Peas
This Beni Shishihinge is along the main aisle in the shade area, and it just glows with color!
The Queen of Maples, Golden Full Moon Maple. Acer Shirasawanum Aureum
Tsuma beni with beautiful red leaf tips
Uki Gumo...Floating Clouds. The leaves become white with pink and green highlights!
Acer viridis...
Mr. Lincoln red roses. Now in bloom , thanks to Miricel Grow and Magnesium Sulfate
Mr Lincoln red roses bud.
Reine des Violettes bouquet
Mme. Pierre Oger
Common Moss, Christopher Marlow, F.J. Gootendorst (rugosa), and Britannia
Eden and Jean La Joi.
Graham Thomas and Phyllis Byde sharing the trellis
Midas Touch
"First Prize Rose"
"Tahitian Sunset"
Midas Touch
Tahitian Sunset
Pope John Paul got from Regan. This amazing white rose blooms a lot, and smells fabulous.
Memorial Day- One of the most beautiful and fragrant roses ever. My top 5.
Sheila's Perfume-Smells wonderful, but has some scary thorns!
Double Delight- Besides the wonderful scent, I love how many different shades the rose becomes depending on the heat and location.
Success Story- Gorgeous huge blooms, and it just keeps on blooming.
Sunset Celebration- I love it's fruity scent, and it is my most prolific bloomer ever.
Sweet Pea Leaves- Sweet Peas and garden roses are my two favorite flowers.
Eden Climber
My beautiful Eden Climbing rose that I bought a few years ago at Regan Nursery!
SCENTIMENTAL - I get a lot of blooms every year and the secent is superb! Passers-by stop and smell the roses! A friend was very amused with the stripes!
BRANDY - I have moved this bush so many times and currently in a big container, is getting only afternoon sun and yet it grows big flowers!
ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA - These babies are pretty huge! Maybe I should say they are pretty and huge! They steal the show in my front garden! Got them from fact all my hydrangeas and my roses, I got from Regan :)
ANNABELLE HYDRANGEA - These babies are pretty huge! I mean they are pretty and huge! They steal the show in my front graden!
Rosas and annuals
Planted bareroot 2011
Smiley Face climbing Rose Planted bare root 2011
The McKinley Park Rose Garden -many lovely roses-from Weeks & Star Roses
I would love to know the name of this rose. . Very old. 5" across and very fragrant
Coco Loco
Mme. Alfred Carrier
For Memorial service, Catherine Bryon Sloan South River Church Oakland Plantation, Garland North Carolina
Who says you cant grow roses in the South
Intoxicating perfume and a riot of blooms -- my Brother Cadfiel has proved to be a huge success!
Double Delight
Ambridge Rose
California Dreamin' - pretty but slight fragrance
Betty Boop roses
Lagerfeld roses from Regan's
Roses I love them brights up my day: )
Orange zinnia
my first orchids of the new season!
Eden Climber
Touch of Class
I received four bare root roses January 22nd, two months later all four bushes are covered with roses, smell amazing and the most beautiful colors!wish I could post pics of all 4 colors!
David Austin Rose - A Shropshire Lad: R.A.Beau Natali's Rose Garden in West Central Florida, USA (Tampa Bay Area). VERY disease resistant! Beautifully transitioned yellowish-peachy coloration with no line of demarcation. Creamy overall impression, scent is strong to moderate fruity, a scent you will definitely miss thru the winter months!
Not one touch of black spot, OMG! Disease resistance is THERE. Large, flat-top, romantic style rose. Color saturation is off the chart as well.
Rouge Royale. Perfect Disease Resistance in west-central Florida. Very fragrant!
Cl. Don Juan on my front entry arbor. Its been a weekly fuss with black spot, grrrrr.... but the beautiful, fragrant payoff is SO worth it.
Asst. blossoms from my roses, glads, etc, etc... I love having "too many" flowers (according to my partner) lol.
Paul Neyron Rose. The first few blooms of the season seem to lean toward the more open flower form. Later blooms have included the more crinkled english look.... curious.
Sunshine Happy Trails. in a hanging basket, looks great that way! I cannot wait for it to spill out over the sides in years to come... should be gorgeous!
In my west-central gardens...Pope John Paul II. This hearty rose literally hit the ground running. Always multiple blooms open, nearly every time. A slight yellowish cast that goes away as each bloom ages and ends up a pristine white.
Fragrant Cloud. Factor in the form with the color and this perfume-laden rose goes to the head of the class. Prolific bloomer = prolific feeder though!!! :) Keep them well fed and heavily watered in my sweltering west-central Florida (zone 9b) and the payoff comes without thinking. Enjoy Fragrant Cloud in your own garden for next Spring.
Scentimental bush rose. I wish you could see the whole plant in this pic.... it is nothing but one sprig of greenery and this HUGE bloom! This was its first bloom of the season as well. If it will work this dang hard as barely more than a leafed out stick, just tink how this rose will perform for you
Asst clipped buds... Climbing Don Juan, Blue Moon bush rose, & Climbing Iceberg represented here in a little Waterford bud vase I picked up in anticipation of the coming gardening season. The Waterford pattern is one of the Lismore incarnations (there are so many of them now!). Just to give you an idea how well the two items go together. Youre liable to see me arrange roses in an old jelly jar too like Grandma used to do when I was a kid back in the 1960s. I'm just sayin' :)
Falling In Love. Planted in April 2016 from your nursery
Climbing Polka is a vigorous climber with large beautiful apricot-colored blooms.
Pink Promise is a vigorous rose that pumps out new blooms on sturdy new canes throughout the season, starting ivory with the edges dipped in pink, and tthen displaying as a more vibrant pink bloom as the buds open.
Scentimental lives up to its name, having a wonderful fragrance. Its form and coloration are strong pluses as well.
Mellow Yellow has huge deep yellow blooms that lighten over time, with a wonderful fragrance. Its one disadvantage is the fact that the blooms are so large that the canes can't hold them up without support -- this is definitely a rose to cut and enjoy in the vase.